Real Estate was an industry that I never even considered as a career. My degree is in biology and political science, 2 very different subjects and needless to say, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I got lucky though. During college I started working in a title company and did all sorts of things. That gave me a foundation to start down a path to my real estate career. After that I got my license and then moved into new construction. BUT through all of that I have never owned or bought a house myself. I was still living at home my parents and that left me completely unaware and unprepared for the people side of the business. People and building relationships are part of every aspect of real estate and here is what you need to know:
Be Ready for All Emotions.
The Clients, they are the heart of our business which also means that they may be emotional and won’t always act on or listen to reason. All of us veterans of the business know that there is nothing more fulfilling than when we have helped someone buy a home that they fell in love with. They can be a first-time home buyer, a family who found the home that they are going to raise their kids in, or a someone who worked hard and now they are moving to their dream home. Those are all ended in positive feelings but what about the other emotions that are natural to experience while making a big life altering decision? Panic that they made the wrong choice, fear that they can’t do it, sadness about leaving their current home, or maybe anger after a few counter offers… As a realtor you have to be willing to be their stand in therapist and help them work through all of the good and bad emotions that come with buying and selling a home.
Be an Educator.
For most of you clients, buying or selling a home is something that they don’t do very often. You need to be able to be a teacher and educate them on the process. Many times, when someone doesn’t know what to do that they have one of 2 reactions, 1) they don’t do anything or 2) they try to control everything. These reactions can be hard to overcome once the client is already in that state of mind. But they are also easy to prevent. The top agents do 2 things that help prevent these reactions. First, they have a well-developed pattern of practice that creates an easy and clear path for what their clients need to do next. Secondly, they also educate them on the upcoming steps and what may happen. This helps manage the clients’ expectations and trust in their agent. These 2 things lead to happy customers and referrals!
Talk to Everyone.
When I first started, I knew that leads would not just come to me. But I didn’t know what that would look like. It comes in all forms and for me it centers around building relationships. Posting Real Estate stuff on social media, which will get very few likes but it reminds my people what I do and to call me when they need something. All successful agents, full time or part time, commit and network everyday. They may not even realize that they are doing it. It may be at the school’s PTA meeting, at the grocery store, at the gym, running in to get coffee, and the list just goes on and on. Good agents just talk to people, everywhere.
Being a Realtor is fun and addicting! All because of the people that you get to work with. They pour their heart and soul into it which makes it and emotional roller coaster. We all love looking at properties and homes but we all continue to do it for the people and the difference we make in their lives.